My Neighbors in the Building
South Asian women:
1. Have full time jobs
2. Mothers
3. Take care of home, kids, work full no help from the husbands
4. Go to school full time.
Pakistan women:
1. Go to school part time ( kids come first)
2. Mosque is part of daily activities
3. Bi- weekly lessons in the building (Islamic class)
4. Know how to drive, speak, read.
5. Always improving themselves(religion, Education, work)
Arab Women:
1. Don't speak the language and don't want to learn
2. Have 5 kids minimum ( way to collect government cheques)
3. Go to the mosques on Eids only
4. Can't buy milk by herself ( going to store is the men jobs)
5. To busy with kids to learn the language
6. live close to her friends( helping each other in reading bills, picking the kids from schools)
7. Every year must visit her countries for this is not our country.
8. Don't spend money on kids(clothes each one wears his brothers)
9. Don't save money for the kid's college.
10. The only store they go is the (.....)clothes
11. Each one calling me from her cell to translate school reports
12. Never attend the Islamic class
13. Talk about new trend here now which trying the Hormone medications so they can have twins instead of giving birth every year. One of them can't speak one word English but she took the medication and now pregnant with twin plus the one she already had. My Syrian is waiting to give birth before she takes the medication. Though she and her husband can't speak the language.
The White Neighbors:
1. Finished school
2. Work full time
3. Not married but common live
4. One baby
5. dogs
6. Always busy(hobbies, gym, parties, long week end plans)
7. Leave home at 8 am come back at 8 pm
8. More relax, carefree, enjoy their life
I don't why they enjoy life maybe their life style (partying, drinking, less kids, less responsible)
That is why we always in back of the world. None of them respect the education, spending their time in gossiping, watching TV(only Arab shows). Never read or listen to the news. Totally depends on their husbands. When we going to wake up?